Software Project Proposal (02)

1.0 Overview

1.1. Purpose, Scope and Objectives

This software will be developed for the University of Jaffna, Science faculty Assistant registrar. Student Management System (SMS) is a web-based system that helps of university student, department Head and admin. Admin can add the student and manage the student details and student can submit exam and level form through our system and Department head can offer the subject for each year. Students can easy to get the faculty information (timetable, Academic notices), past papers. Admin can easy to access student personal and results details. Head of the each department can easy to post notices, and have student details.

Therefore head of the all departments of the faculty and administrator and all students have the benefits by this software. It will be used by Dean Office and by every students personally.

Software and hardware requirements for this project
1. MySQL version 4.1.5
2. Server version: 5.5.35
3. PHP Version: 5.5.7 

4. PC system.

1.2.Project description

Student Management System (SMS) is a web-based system that helps of university student, department Head and admin. Admin can add the student and manage the student details and student can submit exam and level form through our system and Department head can offer the subject for each year.

The services we provided by this project are
· Maintaining student’s personal details.
· Maintain the academic details (course, staff details)
· Provide results and GPA for each students
· Provide information about the faculty and give the notices released by head of the departments and AR.
· Issues timetables and past papers for every courses.

We plan to use existing software “Uni Student Guider” and we will implement with more features.We use PHP and MySQL programing languages and input the data by MySQL. By this project we provide more services for three kind of user, when this software updated yearly, it should be more helpful for the user. So we expect that this is considerable and acceptable project.And also we already have the end user from the existing software, the implementation is more useful for our three kind of users because, by the implementation we provide some more services (mention above) for the user.

1.3.Team profile
Programming, design, presentation, documentation, management and organization

· 2012/CSC/008
· 2012/SP/142
· 2012/CSC/014
· 2012/SP/167

Note: All of the team members participate each and every activity

1.4.Assumptions and Constraints

· Through this SMS students can access only their grads, they can’t refer their marks details.
· We did this project only for our Level 3G (2010) student’s first year details only, by the ARR or Registrar it can be develop for all years.
· Students can access last five years past papers only.
· Admin and Head can modify details, students can’t change or update the academic details. The can only update their personal details and submit the exam forms.
· We didn’t update their latest results.
1.5.Project Deliverables

Deliverables include
· Software Project Proposal.
· Student Management System
· Documentation
· Report

Software Project Proposal (01)

Student Management System(University of Jaffna )

Team Members
Mr. Giritharan
Miss. Nirthika
Mr. Kugarajeevan
Mr. Muhammad Jafran 

Team Leader
 Mr. Giritharan

Mr. S. Sravarasavaran


This is a proposal for Students Management System Project for partial fulfillment of the requirements of CSC203GC2: Software Engineering course at the Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna.

This proposal provides the scope and context of the project to be undertaken. It details the intended user group and the value that the system will have to them. It also provides a schedule for the completion of the project, including a list of all the deliverables and presentations required.

The intended audience of this document is the course faculty so that they can determine whether the project should be approved as proposed, approved with modifications, or not approved.

Table of Contents

1.0 Overview 
1.1 Purpose, Scope and Objectives 
1.2 Project Description 
1.3 Team Profile 
1.4 Assumption and Constraints
1.5 Project Deliverables

2.0 References
3.0 Project Organization